4 Eyed Society
UX/UI Designer

Project Brief

The goal of this app is to act as an self-service purchase kiosk app and do onboarding for customers contact info. The style of 4 Eyed Society was described as irreverent and collegiate.

1. Welcome Screen

Plays in a Loop Until Customer Makes a Selection

Customer is prompted to either enter their contact info or start a purchase flow.

Animation plays to entice interaction

2. Sign Up

Capture Customer Contact Info

Allows customer to use their facebook login to sign up or enter a name and email.

3. Photobooth

Compel Customer to Take Photos of Themselves for Later Reference by 4 Eyed's Stylists

Customer is asked to snap a few pics of themselves in order to gain understanding about what kind of glasses they like and their complexion and the shape of their face.

Purchase Flow

Start Custom Order

Or Enter Prescription

Enter Shipping

Enter Billing


4. Order Thank You

Post Order Screen

Thanks the customer and tells them they can expect their new glasses shortly.

5. Sign Up Thank You

Post Sign Up Screen

Thanks the customer and tells them they will hear from us shortly.

Sign Up Process Wireframe

Purchase Process Wireframe
